All you have to do to be a writer…

September 21, 2011 § 17 Comments

Towards the end of college I realized that I really wanted to give writing a shot, so I signed up for a fiction writing class.  I got a lot of great experience in that class and some priceless feedback from peers, but what stuck with me the most is this simple truth that my professor shared with us:  All you have to do to be a writer is write.

That might sound trite or oversimplified, but for me it’s been liberating.   I tend to fixate on the idea that someday I’ll get published and then I’ll be a writer, but the truth is that I love telling stories.  I love to know people are enjoying my stories, and hear them laugh at the jokes, and talk about characters and settings as if they were real.  I’m a writer because I sit down at my computer (probably not as often as I should) and bang my head against the computer until a story comes out, and that’s not something a lot of people do.  Sometimes I forget that in the headlong race to publication.

So this is me passing along a simple truth:  All you have to do to be a writer is write.

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